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tel. 0 / +48504848217

BATHS in Cleopatra Chamber

kotCleopatra, a legendary queen of ancient Egypt, famous for unparallel beauty, used to apply amazing beauty care treatments. One of them was taking a bath in goat milk. Taking advantage of the queen's wisdom, our guests are offered unmatched sensations during this amazing ritual. Cleopatra chamber is the place addressed to anyone who enjoys finer things in life. The architecture of the interiors following the architecture of ancient Egypt, wall paintings and mysterious hieroglyphs create an uncanny atmosphere, enhanced by perfectly matched lighting empresss bath in goat milk Known for its moisturizing, styptic and regenerating properties, goat milk has been applied in skin care of any type of skin for centuries. This rich in vitamin cocktail (A, E, C, B) also contains mineral salts and protective fatty substances, which leave the skin properly prepared for further cosmetic treatments.Tim30Min – Price:150PLN

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